Mechatronics for the Ages

Wearable Airbags

Darren Wen

Our project is about an air bag that can help protecting the elders from falling accidentally. It  

Electric bed

Dafang Bi

This project is for elders who had problem with their waists. They can not leave their bed, so they need other people to take care of. With this bed, they can move in their own house, and reach things on the ground. That will make their life easier.

Mechatronics for the Ages (1).pdf

How will your generation prepare for the future where there are more elderly than caretakers?

In this studio, students will take a deep dive into understanding the daily life and hurdles of the aging population and how our society perceives and interacts with the elderly in our community. Students will interview and interact with residents at a local senior home to understand the practical and aspirational challenges of their day, and design assistive devices to help these clients improve their daily lives. 

Imagine how you can create a device for writing that may help a former playwright with Parkinson's disease control their hand tremors, or a gardener to water their plants. What does it mean to age and to grow old, and how can we use technology to improve this experience? Students will apply knowledge of human anatomy, mechatronic devices, electronics and product design to directly improve the lives of community members. 

Creative Learning Outcomes

  • Designing with Empathy
  • Focus on direct application to real-world conflicts
  • Understand the role of design agency
  • Conduct user-specific research

Technical Learning Goals

  • Rapid Prototyping & Fabrication Skills
  • 2D, 3D modeling in Rhino 
  • 3D printing and/or Laser cutting 
  • User Interaction & Experience

Creating your First Presentation

In this video, we will be talking about creating your very first presentation. We will go over basic navigation to a new presentation, creating new content and finally going over the tools available.  After this post, consider checking out other tutorials, such as the Types of Content tab or check out the master list of Slide Editor Tools to get a more advanced look into the Slide Editor.

Rhino Commands

Andrew Todd Marcus
Rhino Commands.pdf

Rhino 2D Tutorial (For Laser Cutting)

Ryan Ferguson
Rhino 2D Tutorial - EDITED.3dm

Attached is a Rhino file that helps with learning the basic commands for Rhino. 

You go through the exercise from left to right, top row to bottom row, completing the turquoise commands listed on the top of each row. Make sure you read what the command asks for you to do (i.e. for Trim it first asks for "cutting objects," and then "object to trim") and pay attention to the options for each command in order to get familiar with them.

The idea is to get the bottom of each row matching the top of each row. You use the black lines you are given, with the points for reference, and transform the given black lines to look like the above red lines according to the command listed. See attached images for more details. 

The exercise serves to give a basic intro to common Rhino commands, and to get good at using OSnap / SmartTrack for making properly aligned 2D drawings.

Optional Practice Exercise:

Once you've gone through all the commands, you can apply them in a step by step drawing. Follow the steps in the slide show to make a surprise animal in the cloud of numbered points in the template Rhino file. 

*Post all completed files in the "response" tab of this assignment.*

NuVu Platform: Logging In

James Addison

If you have used the NuVu Platform before AND you remember your password, then skip to STEP 4 and 5. If this is your first time using the Platform or if you have forgotten your password, then follow all of the steps below. 

STEP 1: In the top-right corner, click the word "login." 

STEP 2: When the black menu appears, click "reset password," and enter your school email address, and then click "Send Password Reset Link."

STEP 3: Check your school email account for an email from NuVu. Be sure to check your junk email folder as well if you don't see the email in your inbox. Follow the instructions in the email to reset your password.

STEP 4: You should now see your name in the top right corner. Success! (your screen will look slightly different than mine). Under "Studios" click on our current studio, "Cyborg Enhancements". You can also find this studio by clicking on your name in the top right corner.

STEP 5: You are now on the landing page for our studio for the rest of the term! To let me know that you have succeeded in making it this far, make a celebratory comment under the post "comment here!" This post will only appear if you have logged in successfully. 

Introduction to the Slide Editor

Jiyoo Jye

How to Use the Media Hub

Combine Video, Gifs, and Images and Text, All in One Post!

To report a bug or see release notes, visit the platform page.

The Brief - Part 1 - Outline

Andrew Todd Marcus

Please upload your completed Outline by Tuesday 10/23 morning

Outline feedback to be posted by writing coach Wednesday morning

The Brief - Part 1 - Outline

As part of your portfolio for each studio, you will be asked to write a Brief for your project. The Brief is a written piece that will accompany your presentation and is a strong narrative that ties together the Why, How and What of your project through clear, cogent writing. It tells the story of how your idea was born, developed, and manifested.

For students at NuVu Cambridge, to help you develop your writing, Rebecca, the NuVu writing coach, will provide feedback throughout the process. Rebecca is a published writer, a professional editor, and a teacher of writing. Her assistance is invaluable in developing your written communication skills. She will expect hard work and thoughtful writing and respond with thorough feedback on content and style.

------Copy & Paste this section below into a new post and answer ALL of the questions completely ---- 

The Brief Part 1 - Outline

Answer the following questions in full, complete sentences. Title the post "Brief Outline" and post it in the Writing Tab of your Project. Every student must do this assignment. Cut and paste the assignment below and write your answers below each point. You must respond to ALL items (#4 can be skipped if there is no individual client). Click Shift-Return to start a new line.

  1. Write a A 1-2 sentence project description. This description should not include the name of the project and should be written in the third person. 
    1. What is the "soul" of your project? Describe the idea of the project in conceptual terms. This should paint a conceptual picture in the readers mind. (1 sentences)
    2. What is the "body" of your project? Describe the basic technical or physical construction of the project. This should NOT go into excessive detail, just provide an overview. Describe the project to someone with no technical knowledge in as few words as possible. The reader should be able to envision what the project looks like. ( sentences)

      Night Light Blankie: A child's sensory blanket that provides comfort and privacy in the high stress environment of the hospital using weight, textures, and light. The blanket transforms into a mini light up fort over a child’s head.
      Cocoon: a shroud that explores human spirituality and the concept of life after death through the use of repetitive religious iconography. Composed of over 300 pieces of laser cut balsa wood lined with space tape, the icons are arranged using a mathematical strange attractor.
  2. Why does your project exist? The why explains how your project changes the world. It is the reason your project exists – 
    1. What social issue does your project engage? (1 sentence)
    2. Who is your project helping?  (1 sentence)
    3. How does the project change the world? This can be in a simple physical way or in a complex social way. (1 sentence)
    4. What important social, intellectual, or technical questions does it raise? (1 sentence)
  3. Who is the project for? Who will use it and in what context (1 sentence)
  4.   If you are designing for a specific person, answer the following:
    1. What is the client's name and what is their medical condition, if any? (1 sentence)
    2. How does their condition relate to your project? Include concise and compelling information about the client you are working with, their condition, and how that relates to your project design. (1 sentence)
    3. What is their personality like and how does it inform your design process? (1 sentence)
  5. How does your project work. In non-jargonistic language, answer the following 
    1. What is the basic technology behind your project? (1 sentence)
    2. What is technically innovative about your project? How does it differ from existing technology? (1 sentence)
    3. How does a user physically and mentally interact with the project? (1-2 sentences)

Portfolio & Presentation Posts Fall18

Andrew Todd Marcus

Your portfolio tab is the part of your project viewable to the world. This is where you will present your work to your coaches and peers for your studio review presentation. This is also what family, friends, colleges, the media, and everyone outside of NuVu will see. It is the record of your work and must stand alone, telling a compelling story of your project.

Portfolio pages have 2-3 posts in this order:

  1. The Presentation Post: This post's privacy is set to Everyone. This post showcases your final design by telling the comprehensive story of how your idea was born, developed, and manifested. The arc of the story should encompass the, How of your project in a compelling narrative. It showcases your design process including your brainstorming, each of your iterations, and your final prototype. It allows the viewer to delve deeply into your process.
    • Every Slide should have a Title and Caption.
      The body of this post is The Brief. You should include a version of the Brief for each collaborator in the project.
    • This post will be used in your review presentation at the end of the session.
  2. Optional Video: This post's privacy is set to Everyone. A video showing the interactive functionality of your project. The title of this post will be Video.
  3. Presentation Script: This post's privacy is set to School. Each group will post their script for there presentation. This post will be used to prepare for and practice your presentation. This post should be titled "Presentation Script" and should not be made public. Alternatively, 


After reading this post and completing your Portfolio Tab, you must make sure you have done the following: