Portfolio Boards

Andrew Todd Marcus

Portfolio Boards

For each studio, students will create Portfolio Boards. These boards serve two purposes:

  1. Boards will be printed out as a poster for end of term or end of year exhibitions.
  2. Boards can be used as the basis of a project-based portfolio that can be sent to potential employers in either printed or PDF form.

The template for the project board insures a visual consistency across projects, both for exhibitions and sent portfolios. It requires Adobe Illustrator and the installation of the Roboto font.

The text should be a condensed version of the Brief and should follow the same stylistic guidelines.

The types of images and diagrams can be adapted but should show the overall project and its use.

How-to presentation: writing the brief

Tessa Fast

Planetary Gears

Saeed Arida

Gear Generator

Saeed Arida


Ratchet Mechanism Simulation

Dyani Robarge

Note: Click on 'Youtube' icon in bottom right corner to see more ratchet simulation videos.

Emotional Borealis Final Project

Christopher Schott

NeoPixel LED Strip

Liam Brady

LED Strips are individually addressable ribbons of RGB (red green blue) lights, meaning that each light on the ribbon can be controlled by itself and give off any color on the visible color spectrum. Every light on the strip has its own chip onboard that processes commands given to it by the Arduino.


NeoPixel Library

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(30, 6, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

void setup() {

void loop() {
  for (int i = 0; i < strip.numPixels();  i++) {
    strip.setPixelColor(i, strip.Color(255, 0, 0));



Ultrasonic Sensor (Large)

Liam Brady

Ultrasonic sensors are distance sensors that use sound waves to detect how far away an object is. They send out high frequency bursts of sound and listen for its echo. They then determine how far away the object is based on how long it takes for the sound to return to the sensor. This variety requires an Arduino library to operate.


NewPing Library

#include <NewPing.h>

NewPing mysensor(5, 6, 200);

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int pingTime = mysensor.ping();

  int distance = mysensor.ping_in();

  int distance_cm = mysensor.ping_cm();


The Brief

Sophie Kaplan

Beat By Beat is a heart like device that tracks your heart rate, beats in time with the users heart rate, and changes color every two minutes. 

Scientists in the mental health field continually agree that the ability to change the heart rate appropriately in given scenarios will lower stress and lessen anxiety. The benefits of lower stress include improving how the immune system functions, preventing illnesses like the common cold and or physical complaints such as back aches, and increasing your energy levels. The easiest way to control your heart rate is meditation. That is where Beat By Beat comes into play. For someone with ADD or ADHD is may be difficult to sit still and focus on your heart rate. Having an external object to represent the heart beat will help the user focus better.

Beat By Beat will beat in time with users heart rate that is being tracked by the heart rate monitor the user is wearing. The heart will also change color every two minutes as a way to track how long you have been meditating. The heart is made out of milky white acrylic, pink and white 3D printed joint pieces, and bolts. The heart moves with a motor located inside the heart. The motor has a cam to make the heart move up and down. Also inside the heart is a LED strip to make the heart light up. Both the LED strip and the motor are controlled via an Arduino. The hope is that this product will help those who use it live more peaceful and stress free lives.